
Sleeping Hibird Pictures, Images and Photos
Haha sorry never update my blog for such long time.... Coz now so busy or lazy ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

EarTh HouR!!!!

Yesterday... The irresponsible people... a.k.a. me n siblings... We didn't turn the lights off, until my mom came back... and it was 9.00 p.m. .. She was like why didn't off the lights??? I thought today was Earth hour... And I was like Erm... actually its now!!! half an hour more to go... Then, we off all the electrical appliances... Dude!!! it was so freaking hot!!!!! After half an hour... we did a count down and quickly on the air-conditioner... Then we sat in the room for 5 minutes... And back to what we were doing... using computer and watching the t.v. And guess what I found out today??? We actually could do anything only that we need to off only the lights... Darn it !!!! It was so freaking hot!!!Oh yea in tuition... I brought the I use no plastic bag ... bag... Yea and there was like the ohp and I put it there and everyone saw it... actually I took Ivy's bag... Hehe^^... Man it was kinda fun yesterday ... only that an idiot guy ask an idiotic question... He ruin my day!!!! Don't ask what question...

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